1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 0 | 十 | 百 | 千 | 万 | 亿 | 元 |
壹 | 贰 | 叁 | 肆 | 伍 | 陆 | 柒 | 捌 | 玖 | 零 | 拾 | 佰 | 仟 | 万 | 亿 | 圆 |
Capitalizing numbers began in the Ming Dynasty. Zhu Yuanzhang issued a decree because of the "Guo Huan Case", a major corruption case at that time, which clearly required that the figures recorded in the accounts must be recorded by“一、二、三、四、五、六、七、八、九、十、百、千”改为“壹、贰、叁、肆、伍、陆、柒、捌、玖、拾、佰(陌)、仟(阡)”and other complex Chinese characters to make it more difficult to alter the account books. Later, "Mo" and "阡" were rewritten as "Hundred、thousand" and are still used today.。
数字金额 | 大写数字 | 数字金额 | 大写数字 | 数字金额 | 大写数字 | 数字金额 | 大写数字 | 数字金额 | 大写数字 |
0 | 零元整 | 1 | 壹元整 | 2 | 贰元整 | 3 | 叁元整 | 4 | 肆元整 |
5 | 伍元整 | 6 | 陆元整 | 7 | 柒元整 | 8 | 捌元整 | 9 | 玖元整 |
10 | 壹拾元整 | 11 | 壹拾壹元整 | 12 | 壹拾贰元整 | 13 | 壹拾叁元整 | 14 | 壹拾肆元整 |
15 | 壹拾伍元整 | 16 | 壹拾陆元整 | 17 | 壹拾柒元整 | 18 | 壹拾捌元整 | 19 | 壹拾玖元整 |
20 | 贰拾元整 | 30 | 叁拾元整 | 40 | 肆拾元整 | 50 | 伍拾元整 | 60 | 陆拾元整 |
70 | 柒拾元整 | 80 | 捌拾元整 | 90 | 玖拾元整 | 100 | 壹佰元整 | 200 | 贰佰元整 |
300 | 叁佰元整 | 400 | 肆佰元整 | 500 | 伍佰元整 | 600 | 陆佰元整 | 700 | 柒佰元整 |
800 | 捌佰元整 | 900 | 玖佰元整 | 1000 | 壹仟元整 | 2000 | 贰仟元整 | 3000 | 叁仟元整 |
4000 | 肆仟元整 | 5000 | 伍仟元整 | 6000 | 陆仟元整 | 7000 | 柒仟元整 | 8000 | 捌仟元整 |
9000 | 玖仟元整 | 10000 | 壹万元整 | 20000 | 贰万元整 | 30000 | 叁万元整 | 40000 | 肆万元整 |
50000 | 伍万元整 | 60000 | 陆万元整 | 0.1 | 壹角 | 0.2 | 贰角 | 0.3 | 叁角 |
0.4 | 肆角 | 0.5 | 伍角 | 0.6 | 陆角 | 0.7 | 柒角 | 0.8 | 捌角 |
0.9 | 玖角 | 1.1 | 壹元壹角 | 1.2 | 壹元贰角 | 1.3 | 壹元叁角 | 1.4 | 壹元肆角 |
1.5 | 壹元伍角 | 1.6 | 壹元陆角 | 1.7 | 壹元柒角 | 1.8 | 壹元捌角 | 1.9 | 壹元玖角 |
Things to note about RMB capital letters
The amount in Chinese capital letters should be filled in in block letters or running script, such as (壹)、贰(贰)、叁、肆(肆)、伍(伍)、陆(陆)、柒、捌、玖、拾、佰、仟、万(万)、亿、元、角、分、零、整(正)etc words. Not allowed一、二(两)、三、四、五、六、七、八、九、十、念、毛、另(或0)Please fill in the form. Do not make your own simplified characters. If the amount is written using traditional Chinese characters, such as贰、陆、亿、万、圆,should also be accepted。
一、If the amount in Chinese capital letters ends with "yuan", after "yuan", the word "zheng" (or "zheng") should be written. After "jiao", the word "zheng" (or "zheng") is not required.Character. If the capital amount number has "fen", do not write the word "whole" (or "正") after "fen".
2. The word "RMB" should be marked before the Chinese capital amount figure. If the capital amount number has "fen", the word "whole" (or "正") should not be written after "fen".
3. The Chinese capital amount number should be marked with the word "RMB" before it, and the capital amount number should be filled in immediately after the word "RMB" without leaving any blank space. If the word "RMB" is not printed before the capital amount figure, the three words "RMB" should be added. The fixed words "Qian, Hundred, Shi, Wan, Qian, Hundred, Shi, Yuan, Jiao, Fen" shall not be pre-printed in the uppercase amount column of bills and settlement vouchers.
4. When there is "0" in the lowercase Arabic numeral amount, the Chinese capital should be written in accordance with the rules of the Chinese language, the composition of the amount, and the requirements to prevent alteration. Examples are as follows:
1. When there is a "0" in the middle of the Arabic numeral, the Chinese character "zero" should be written in capital letters. For example, ¥1409.50 should be written as RMB Lu One Thousand Four Hundred Nine Yuan Wu Jiao.
2. When there are several "0"s in a row in the middle of the Arabic numerals, only one "zero" can be written in the middle of the Chinese capital amount. For example, ¥6007.14 should be written as RMB 6,007 yuan and one jiao four cents.
3. When the Arabic numeral's tens of thousands and yuan digits are "0", or there are several "0"s in a row in the middle of the number, and the tens of thousands and yuan digits are also "0", but the thousands and angle digits are not "0" , you can write only a zero character in the Chinese capital amount, or you don't have to write the word "zero". For example, ¥1680.32 should be written as RMB one thousand six hundred and eighty yuan and two cents, or as one thousand six hundred and eighty yuan and three cents. For example, ¥107000.53 should be written as RMB one hundred and seventy thousand yuan. Five jiao and three cents, or written as RMB one hundred and seventy thousand yuan five jiao and three cents。
4. When the corner digit of the Arabic amount is "0" but the digit is not "0", the Chinese capital amount "Yuan" should be followed by the word "zero". For example, ¥16409.02 should be written as RMB 10,000,000,090,09,02 cents; another example is ¥325.04, should be written as RMB 3,020,500,04,04 cents.
The origin of numbers
The earliest tools used by humans for counting were fingers and toes, but they could only represent numbers within 20. When the number was large, most primitive people used pebbles to count. Gradually, people invented methods of tying knots to keep count, or carving numbers on animal skins, trees, and stones. In ancient China, small sticks made of wood, bamboo or bones were used to keep count, which were called calculation chips. These counting methods and counting symbols slowly transformed into the earliest numerical symbols (digits). Today, countries around the world use Arabic numerals as their standard numbers.
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