朝 代 | 起 讫 | 都 城 | 今 地 | |
夏 | 约前2146-1675年 | 安邑 | 山西夏县 | |
商① | 约前1675-1029年 | 亳 | 河南商丘 | |
周 | 西周 | 约前1029-771年② | 镐京 | 陕西西安 |
东周 | 前770-256年 | 洛邑 | 河南洛阳 | |
秦 | 前221-207年 | 咸阳 | 陕西咸阳 | |
汉 | 西汉③ | 前206—公元25 | 长安 | 陕西西安 |
东汉 | 25—220 | 洛阳 | 河南洛阳 | |
三国 | 魏 | 220-265 | 洛阳 | 河南洛阳 |
蜀 | 221-263 | 成都 | 四川成都 | |
吴 | 222-280 | 建业 | 江苏南京 | |
西晋 | 265-317 | 洛阳 | 河南洛阳 | |
东晋 十六国 | 东晋 | 317-420 | 建康 | 江苏南京 |
十六国④ | 304-439 | — | — | |
南朝 | 宋 | 420-479 | 建康 | 江苏南京 |
齐 | 479-502 | 建康 | 江苏南京 | |
梁 | 502-557 | 建康 | 江苏南京 | |
陈 | 557-589 | 建康 | 江苏南京 | |
北朝 | 北魏 | 386-534 | 平城 | 山西大同 |
洛阳 | 河南洛阳 | |||
东魏 | 534-550 | 邺 | 河北临漳 | |
北齐 | 550-577 | 邺 | 河北临漳 | |
西魏 | 535-557 | 长安 | 陕西西安 | |
北周 | 557-581 | 长安 | 陕西西安 | |
隋 | 581-618 | 大兴 | 陕西西安 | |
唐 | 618-907 | 长安 | 陕西西安 | |
五代 十国 | 后梁 | 907-923 | 汴 | 河南开封 |
后唐 | 923-936 | 洛阳 | 河南洛阳 | |
后晋 | 936-946 | 汴 | 河南开封 | |
后汉 | 947-950 | 汴 | 河南开封 | |
后周 | 951-960 | 汴 | 河南开封 | |
十国⑤ | 902-979 | — | — | |
宋 | 北宋 | 960-1127 | 开封 | 河南开封 |
南宋 | 1127-1279 | 临安 | 浙江临安 | |
辽 | 907-1125 | 皇都 (上京) | 辽宁 巴林右旗 | |
西夏 | 1038-1227 | 兴庆府 | 宁夏银川 | |
金 | 1115-1234 | 会宁 | 阿城(黑龙江) | |
中都 | 北京 | |||
开封 | 河南开封 | |||
元 | 1206-1368 | 大都 | 北京 | |
明 | 1368-1644 | 北京 | 北京 | |
清 | 1616-1911 | 北京 | 北京 | |
中华民国 | 1912-1949 | 南京 | 江苏南京 | |
中华人民共和国1949年10月1日成立,首都北京。 |
Chinese historical dynasty time query table: the start and end time of Chinese dynasties, the location of the capital, and the corresponding place name of the capital today
① Around the 14th century BC, Pan Geng moved the capital to Yin, and thereafter Shang became Yin
② 841 BC (the first year of the Western Zhou Dynasty) is the beginning of the exact chronology of Chinese history
③ Including the "Xin" dynasty established by Wang Mang (8-23 AD). During Wang Mang's period, a large-scale peasant uprising broke out and a peasant regime was established. In 23 AD, the new Wang Mang regime fell. In 25 AD, the Eastern Han Dynasty was established.
④ During this period, in northern my country, there were several feudal regimes, including: Han (Former Zhao), Cheng (Chenghan), Former Liang, Later Zhao (Wei), Former Yan, Former Qin, Later Yan, Later Qin, Western Qin, Later Liang, Southern Liang, Northern Liang, Southern Yan, Western Liang, Northern Yan, Xia, etc., which were historically called the "Sixteen Kingdoms"
⑤ During this period, in addition to the Later Liang, Later Tang, Later Jin, Later Han, and Later Zhou, there were also several feudal regimes, including: Wu, Former Shu, Wuyue, Chu, Fujian, Southern Han, Jingnan (Nanping), Later Shu, Southern Tang, Northern Han, etc., which were historically called the "Ten Kingdoms"
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